North Brisbane Based Painters
At Precise Painting Solutions we understand just how important your home is to you and your family. Afterall, home is where the heart is and nothing makes the heart pump more than a fresh coat of paint.
Between us, we have decades of residential repaint experience. Whether you are wanting to freshen up your modern home or revamp your heritage home, Precise Painting Solutions has the capabilities to exceed your expectations.
We take great pride in transforming your home to create a fresh stylish new look!
We Work Around Your Time Schedule
We have a great track record for meeting our clients deadlines, no matter how stretched they might be.
And we are prepared to work weekends & longer hours to make sure your house is looking immaculate before your big party, function, etc.
Clean Safe Working Environment
We keep your property clean daily, and ensure there is no rubbish or empty paint cans left lying around. We keep all Non-Painted surfaces perfectly clean, free from all paint splatter, overspray, and smudges. (i.e. bench tops, floors, window glass, pavers, etc)
We put an absolute premium on preparation. We carry out complete Cleaning, Sanding, Filling, and especially Priming, prior to the application of any top coats.
Preparation Is Key
For a repaint to last for years to come, it is paramount that the correct primer/undercoats and preparation is applied. Do NOT settle for anything less!
Bring Life & Shine Bright Once Again
A fresh coat of paint and a new look can do wonders to a run down property. Not to mention increase the value of the property.
A quick freshen up to increase the value of your property before selling is what many of our customers need and it’s something we strive to deliver. While keeping the customers budget at the forefront to provide maximum profit for the customer.
Freshen Up Your Timber!
Got tired, flaking dry timber rails, decking, posts and doors that need cheering up? Let Precise Painting Solutions restore your timber to its former glory!
It is critical that your timber work is treated with the expect it deserves, otherwise deterioration can kick in.
Let us take the hassle out of maintaining your timber decking, posts doors for you.
We Cater To All No Matter The Size
Precise Painting Solutions also caters to businesses and commercial work all over Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast.
Let us help bring new life to your business and become the talk of the town. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for a tired rundown looking business structure.